Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Hope you all are doing wonderful. I realize it's been awhile since I've blog–life's been busy—but hopefully this new year you'll be seeing more posts from us (it's one of our many resolutions). In the meantime, please enjoy our musical rendition of Silent Night.
Genevieve Rakozy: Harmonica & Vocals
Ben Rakozy: Guitar & classy hair-do
Beth Rakozy: Videographer & Tour Manager
Adeline Rakozy: Groupie

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hello AC.

The other day I was able to spend the whole day with Genevieve. I gotta admit, as tiring as she can be it feels great when she wraps her arms around your neck and puts her head on your shoulder. Beth's great with her, teaching her animal sounds and new words.

The other day we were watching the political conventions, whenever the republican logo appeared on screen Genevieve would make her elephant sound so of course we rewarded her with some peanuts.

Gweetar Lesson Numero Uno

I'll have her reading tab in no time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bear Attack

We told Genevieve not to feed the bears but she didn't listen. Kids can be so defiant at that age.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Pig o' war

Grass stains


Teething one year old + beef jerky = happy parents.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cottage Cheese

Two weekends ago Beth, Genevieve and I attempted to escape suburbia by traveling to Coloma, Wisconsin. We rented a lovely cottage in the middle of nowhere. It was heaven.

Hot Potato

Binge Baby

We knew it was time to pull the plug on Genevieve's bingefest when she started burping the ABC's.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello Sugar!

She clearly has a problem and is in denial. Hopefully the intervention we are organizing will help her realize her addiction and get her on the road to recovery.

Men Stuff

Dad and I had a little bonding session with the RC plane. Dad successfully shot down eleven German aircraft, a Japanese Zero and a rather large seagull, before crash landing on ally soil.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So far our experiment to allow Genevieve to be raised by dogs has proven to be successful. Not only has she been crawling on all fours but she is also barking full sentences. The vet says she is in the 90th percentile in weight and length.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Saturday, April 19, 2008


When Genevieve was first born everybody said she looked like me-her dad. Now everyone says she looks like Beth, coupled with the statement that "she's cute." After looking at some older baby pictures of Genevieve, I came to the conclusion that when people look at me they must see a ball of flesh with a big nose. At least Genevieve's growing into hers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

1st Birthday

It's not everyday that you turn one year old. Genevieve threw herself a party, inviting friends and family for cake and ice cream. Beth and I chaperoned and only had to kick out a few party crashers. Later in the evening a creative cake eating contest was held and guess who won...that's right, the birthday girl herself, I came in second.

Before & After

Ten hours to decorate.

Ten minutes to devour.

The Great Magician

Next year we're going to work on pulling a live rabbit out of a bag.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pretty Princess nails...YUCK!

Gerrie painted Vivi's nails and in 10 tiny brush strokes crushed my
hopes of making her a tomboy.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Dolphin Diver

Dishtowel Darling

n an attempt to entertain my colleges, I took a cue from Genevieve, and took a dishtowel to work. For some reason my work mates didn't find it that entertaining and I felt a little under dressed.

Post Pupa

The cocoon mess was not fun to clean up.


For Genevieve's birthday I gave her a cell phone. Although her conversations skills have yet to be developed, she is a very avid text messenger.

Bug Tamer

Genevieve said it followed her home–I still don't believe her.

Cocoon of Doom

There I was, struggling for breath, caught in the clutches of the killer caterpillar's abdominal prolegs. I had only one hope, and that hopes name was Vivi!

Just has I was about to accept my inevitable doom and embrace my fate as butterfly food, Vivi came bursting through the door.

"Hi!" she exclaimed. In one swift Chuck Norris motion, Vivi broke the caterpillars thorax and released me from it's grasp of death. In return for her courage I have granted her three diaper changes and a lifetime supply of playing cards.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The New Throne

Genevieve has graduated from carrier to throne. Beth went out to the local "Crown & Scepter" store and picked up this sporty little number. It has not one, but two bottle holders for those extra long road trips; as well as plenty of crevasses to store Genevieve's crushed Cheerio's and animal crackers. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Surrogate Parents.

Being a parent is tough work, that's why we've decided to let dogs raise our child.

Genevieve (one of many to come...videos that is)

That's my girl.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello World!

So here we are. 

Beth and I have been meaning to start a family blog for quite some time, but something else (i.e. job, baby, house hunting, house buying, LOST, house remodeling, house cleaning, morse code class, etc.) always seemed to take priority. That said, we've decided to make the time to blog cause the blog sure ain't gonna make time for us.

As the title implies, this blog will feature family ephemera: photos, videos, words, the occasional  quip, stories, triumphs, failures, hopes, aspirations, pizza toppings, and whatever else we care to share. 
